Amadeus Ticket Changer Value Calculator
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Discover how much time and money YOU can save with the Amadeus Ticket Changer Suite.
ATC Reissue symbol
ATC Reissue symbol
ATC Involuntary symbol
ATC Shopper symbol
Simply fill in the numbers and we'll do all the calculations for you.
Let's start with some information about your activity
Agency activity
Now, add information about your ticket changes
Percentage of your company's tickets that are:
Tell us how much time you spend on manual ticket changes
Placeholder image
Average time that you spend on each:
Add information about your Airline Debit Memos (ADM)

And finally, tell us about yourself

Placeholder image

Here's how much time and money YOU can save with Amadeus Ticket Changer Suite

ATC symbol
Time saved
Cost saved
ATC symbol
ATC symbol
ATC symbol
ATC symbol
ATC symbol
The value calculator is intended for your information only and is an estimate of potential savings. Actual savings may be more or less than those indicated by the value calculator results.
Check out the detailed calculations
ATC REissue symbol
Total number of tickets issued a year
% Bookings reissued
Average time for a manual reissue
Average time spent reissuing a ticket with Amadeus Ticket Changer
Time saved
Average agent cost per minute
Money gained
Assumptions: average working day = 8 hours (480 minutes); number of days worked per year = 261
Inputs Numbers provided by Amadeus Numbers calculated
ATC Refund symbol
Total number of tickets issued a year
% Bookings refunded
Average time spent refunding a ticket
Average time spent refunding a ticket with Amadeus Ticket Changer
Time saved
Average agent cost per minute
Money gained
Assumptions: average working day = 8 hours (480 minutes); number of days worked per year = 261
Inputs Numbers provided by Amadeus Numbers calculated

ATC REissue symbol
Involuntary Ticket Changes
Total number of tickets issued a year
% Tickets involuntarily changed
Average time spent involuntarily reissuing a ticket
Average time spent involuntarily reissuing a ticket with Amadeus Ticket Changer
Time saved
Average agent cost per minute
Money gained
Assumptions: average working day = 8 hours (480 minutes); number of days worked per year = 261
Inputs Numbers provided by Amadeus Numbers calculated
ATC REissue symbol
Shopper (only available for online travel agencies)
Total number of tickets issued a year
% Online bookings
% Online bookings that are manually changed
Average time spent changing each online ticket
Average time spent in each conversation with a customer
Average time spent reissuing a ticket with Amadeus Ticket Changer Shopper
Time saved
Average agent cost per minute
Money gained
Assumptions: average working day = 8 hours (480 minutes); number of days worked per year = 261
Inputs Numbers provided by Amadeus Numbers calculated
ATC REissue symbol
Airline Debit Memo (ADM) reductions
Total number of Airline Debit Memos issued per year
Average time spent managing 1 Airline Debit Memo
Total time saved
Average agent cost per minute
Administration cost savings
Average Value of 1 Airline Debit Memo
Total number of airline debit memos issued per year
Airline Debit Memo cost savings
Total Airline Debit Memo monetary savings for the year
Assumptions: average working day = 8 hours (480 minutes); number of days worked per year = 261
Inputs Numbers provided by Amadeus Numbers calculated